

Fasada D18

At the Best Location in the City

Advertise your brand at the most frequented locations in BTC City, online and in printed publications. Send us an enquiry and we will prepare an offer in line with your wishes.

Zaslon velikan 1 - EN

Veliki, osvetljeni zaslon lorem ipsum dolor sit amet 1 - EN

Latinski trg
Ameriška ulica

95 cm x 167 cm
10 sekund

7 dni - EN
2.400 €
14 dni - EN
3.600 €
21 dni
4.600 €
28 dni
5.400 €

Zaslon velikan 2 - EN

Veliki, osvetljeni zaslon lorem ipsum dolor sit amet 2 - EN

Dvorana A
Trg mladih Krožišče Kolosej

480 cm x 288 cm
8 sekund

7 dni - EN
1.000 €
14 dni - EN
1.700 €
21 dni
2.300 €
28 dni
2.800 €

Zaslon velikan 3 - EN

Veliki, osvetljeni zaslon lorem ipsum dolor sit amet 3 - EN

Dvorana A

504 cm x 238 cm
400 cm x 300 cm

7 dni - EN
300 €
14 dni - EN
900 €
1 kos/ 21 dni
400 €
4 kosi/ 21 dni
1.200 €
1 kos/ 28 dni
480 €
4 kosi/ 28 dni
1.440 €
98 € / kos, 372 € / 4 kosi


14 osvetljenih površin na 7 lokacijah

Območje BTC City
120 cm x 175 cm
14 dni
2.500 €
21 dni
3.600 €
28 dni
3.900 €
448 €

Čezcestni transparent

Pritegne pozornost voznikov

uvoz Šmartinska
uvoz Bratislavksa
uvoz Citypark
D17 Citypark
D18 DA-D1 DA-D3

700 cm x 110 cm
Letališka - uvoz in Šmartinska - uvoz
14 dni
1.000 €
21 dni
1.350 €
28 dni
1.600 €
Bratislavska - uvoz
14 dni
800 €
21 dni
1.080 €
28 dni
1.280 €
Citypark-D17, Citypark-D18, DA-D1 in DA-D3
14 dni
600 €
21 dni
810 €
28 dni
960 €

Fasada Dvorana 18 - Woop Arena

Največja zunanja oglasna površina

Dvorana 18
Woop Arena

54,5 m x 8,8 m
31 m x8,8 m

min. 12 mesecev
na povprasevanje

Parkirna hiša Atlantis

35 stebrov v pritlični etaži

Parkirna hiša Atlantis
90 cm x 200 cm
3 mesece
3.000 €
6 mesecev
5.400 €
9 mesecev
7.200 €
12 mesecev
8.400 €

Fasada - Parkirna hiša Atlantis

5 velikih osvetljenih površin

Parkirna hiša Atlantis

18,4 x 7,6 m
20,5 x 7,6 m
38,5 x 3,8 m
10 x 7,6 m
25 x 3,8 m

MIN 12 mesecev
na povpraševanje

Razstavni prostor

Najvidnejša izložba v mestu

Glavni vhod Dvorana A
600 cm x 250 cm
MIN 1 mesec
na povpraševanje
All prices are without VAT.
Tenants of BTC d.d. they have a 30% discount, agencies a 15% discount on the stated advertising prices. Discount does not apply to production. Advertising prices are 15% higher in December.
In case of cancellation of the reservation less than 14 days before the start of advertising, 50% of the value of the reservation will be charged. Design, production and installation costs are covered by the advertiser.
The production and placement of physical advertisements is carried out by partner contractors of BTC d.d.

Flyer A5

Flyer A5 deskripcija

Tržnica BTC City
Kulinarični park Tržnica BTC City
osrednji notranji in zunanji del (jedilnica)

13 cm x 13 cm
14 dni
2.100 €
21 dni
2.850 €
28 dni
3.360 €
175 €

Dvigala v Kristalni palači in Stolpnici BTC City

10 površin nad mestom

Kristalna palača Stolpnica BTC City

157 cm x 25 cm
130 cm x 25 cm

14 dni
2.500 €
330 €

Nalepke - Vodno mesto Atlantis

28 oglasnih površin v najbolj obiskanem vodnem mestu v Ljubljani

Vodno mesto Atlantis
28 cm x 129 cm
14 dni
1.400 €
21 dni
2.000 €
28 dni
2.500 €
705 €
All prices are without VAT.
Tenants of BTC d.d. they have a 30% discount, agencies a 15% discount on the stated advertising prices. Discount does not apply to production. Advertising prices are 15% higher in December.
In case of cancellation of the reservation less than 14 days before the start of advertising, 50% of the value of the reservation will be charged. Design, production and installation costs are covered by the advertiser.
The production and placement of physical advertisements is carried out by partner contractors of BTC d.d.


Newspaper desc

Direktna pošta Ljubljana in okolica ter območje BTC City Ljubljana
Naklada: 45.000 izvodov
na povpraševanje
All prices are without VAT.
Tenants of BTC d.d. they have a 30% discount, agencies a 15% discount on the stated advertising prices. Discount does not apply to production. Advertising prices are 15% higher in December.
In case of cancellation of the reservation less than 14 days before the start of advertising, 50% of the value of the reservation will be charged. Design, production and installation costs are covered by the advertiser.
The production and placement of physical advertisements is carried out by partner contractors of BTC d.d.

Interested in advertising in BTC City?

Excellent advertising spaces at one of the most frequented locations in Slovenia.

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